come join in the good times...

Wave Maker Events

Wave Maker loves having special events at the brewery, and with the good weather coming we plan to make things as fun as possible! This could mean live music, a cornhole tournament, delicious food pop-ups, trivia, music bingo, or ??? Interested in holding an event at Wave Maker? Don't hesistate to get in touch! Here's a sneak peek at what's coming up...

Food Pop-up Music Bingo Brewery Event Live Music

Wave Maker Beer

Beavertails Food Truck

Saturday March 29 - 12:00 to 6:00 pm

We are excited to have Beavertails back with their delicious sweet and savoury treats for! Come on out and support one of our favourite local food trucks!

Wave Maker Beer

Krankie Frankie's Hub Grub

Saturday May 3 - 1 pm to 6 pm